
Relevant student research

Food forest contract research is still in its ‘baby’ phase. Since students embraced the subject a lot of research has been, and is still being carried out by students (thesis, internship, Academic Consultancy Training). It proves difficult for an outsider to lay hand on one of these reports. The ambition is to make these student reports publicly available. Before this is possible, they will at least need to meet the demands of AVG and a review by a researcher or teacher. For some relevant (student) research this is already carried out, Green Deal Voedselbossen

Relevant contract research

Wetenschappelijke bodemvorming onder de voedselbosbouw Food forests can help us tackle several societal problems. They produce food and at the same time stimulate biodiversity, improve soil quality and make the landscape climate adaptive. To investigate the added value of these innovative agricultural production systems, we analyze the sustainability impacts of food forests in relation to the soil in a temperate climate zone.

The National Monitoring Program Food Forests (NMVB) is a program that originated from the Green Deal Voedselbossen. It si coordinated by Bastiaan Rooduijn and Roos Nijpels. Students from different universities and colleges participate in the monitoring and research activities. 

Monitor your food forest’s harvests and support scientific research! Do you have or are you managing a food forest? Do you want to know how much your forest yields? Then this tool is for you. Thanks to this tool, you can monitor how well your food forest is doing on several points, such as biodiversity, or CO2-storage. You can also keep track of what the economic harvest is from your food forest.

Portals within WUR

The Wageningen University & Research Science Shop is in charge of organizing research that is commissioned by non-profit civil society organizations with limited financial means.

Society Based Education seeks active cooperation with companies, startups, knowledge institutes, networks, and non-profit organizations to connect WUR students to relevant and meaningful social challenges. Society Based Education supports WUR teachers with creating university-society learning spaces, so that WUR students are introduced to their future knowledge domain, learn to apply their scientific knowledge in practice and they get the opportunity to engage and collaborate with other students and societal actors with various knowledge levels, cultures, disciplines and backgrounds. The Society Based Education Team / Contact us

Do you have an innovative idea, a question, or an unsolved problem that you cannot get to? Working with students of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) could be a solution. The course Academic Consultancy Training (ACT) is a course in which you can work together with students on your consultancy question!

Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) is a student foundation at Wageningen University that aims to connect the university (students, research, education) with the reality and challenges of farmers in the Netherlands and worldwide. In this way we fight for social, just and sustainable food production. We do this by bringing students into the fields and farmers into lecture rooms at the university.

OtherWise stimulates critical engagement by questioning the status quo and exploring alternative pathways towards a more environmentally and socially just world. By organising events, such as lectures, movie nights, debates, trainings, excursions and thematic working groups, OtherWise wants to take students along on a journey towards social and environmental justice. Next to this we like to support and ‘do’ inter-collaborative initiatives, offering a playground for people to exchange ideals, ideas, knowledge, experience, dreams and ambitions.

Student Career Services supports you in your orientation on the labour market. We facilitate you by giving personal career advice, providing you a platform to meet employers and explore your wishes and talents through workshops and career events.

Search engines within WUR

TIP-site BSc-MSc Thesis and Internship Projects, Wageningen University

WUR Library Find articles, books, journals and other types of publications.

Portals outside WUR

Although there is already a lot of enthusiasm for food forests, little is known about the economic aspects of a food forest. This was the reason for the HAS Den Bosch research group “Innovative Entrepreneurship with Nature” to set up a line of research for this.

Groen Kennisnet is the knowledge platform for the green sector. With a Knowledge Bank with hundreds of thousands of digital, freely accessible knowledge sources, Groen Kennisnet opens the largest Dutch-language collection of current and reliable knowledge sources for the domains of agriculture, food and green. The renewed Portal for Nature-inclusive agriculture – is online, with this month’s theme ‘Agroforestry’ specially ‘highlighted’.