Melle & Jeroen 12 – This is only the beginning

I think we are only at the beginning of research on food forests. My food forest ‘career’ only started 5 years ago. Many pioneering food forest initiators had already done preparatory work for decades. Now, 5 years later, we have several research projects on the go and we have completed the first international food forest conference. My focus remains on connecting research tracks in the Dutch context and contributing to international collaboration. The large group of students from the WUR, but also from the higher agricultural educational programs in the Netherlands, remain very important to keep fueling the research fire. To make this visible is very important.

You supported me tremendously during your internship. From the start you managed to switch quickly when needed. I will certainly miss your sharp analyses. We will look for a way to continue the student exchange you have set up. Your analysis of the Green Deal as an organization has caused quite a stir. The green deal website has been significantly improved thanks to your input. And together we have been busy putting eating from a food forest on the research map.

This correspondence is our last joint project. This is the last reply. I feel that this form, which forces you to take time to think things through, is a very nice way of reflecting. 

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