Melle & Jeroen 2 – What exactly do I, the supervisor do?

First, Melle I’ d like to thank you for sharing your experiences with the start of your internship. Corona really transforms workflows. Because of the switch to online aspects like distance and time play less of a role. It feels like people can make time a little more easily. I’m glad though we decided to have a life ‘walk’ update meeting every week. 

About my work, I am a researcher at WENR and enjoy the freedom to organize my own work agenda. I participate in various projects that often revolve around tensions between new societal initiatives and the established order.

For the last 5 years I (and others with me) have been trying to get the topic of food forest on the research agenda. After I was asked to join a group of pioneers that were preparing a Green Deal (policy instrument) for Food Forests, things gained momentum. In that field of networks and projects, I try to connect parties to work together. We need the stubborn pioneers, the enthusiasm of students (thesis, PhD and internship, ACT), the curiosity of researchers and teachers, and enthusiastic employees of governmental organizations to seriously investigate the promises of this alternative form of agriculture. The progress we make motivates me a lot. 

Considering the subject of motivation, how do you keep inspired to work on your internship goals in this insane COVID time in which almost everything takes place online? 

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