Melle & Jeroen 4 – How does corona affect my work?

I already regularly worked from home or at (a considerable) distance and that worked quite well. Working with concentration in a room with 6 others is not always easy for me either. But the fact that it was decided for me that I could only work from home felt as an attack on my freedom.

Strangely enough, I felt less need to go back to the office when the measures were temporarily relaxed. Because what is the added value of being in the office if you are not allowed to work together with other people in one room? What I miss are unplanned encounters because you don’t have them so easily behind your screen.

We are now in a situation where video conferencing has become normal. It’s nice to see and talk to others. Sometimes it feels as if the days are filled with video conferencing and ‘you don’t get to do real work’. A matter of better planning perhaps? In fact, all the work just keeps going. Food forests are hot.

Melle I wonder, you’ve barely been able to experience food forests in real life, but now you’re stuck with it. How do you experience food forests as a concept now? 

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