Melle & Jeroen 8 – Change is not at gradual thing

Hi Melle, I follow you all the way, but refuse to believe it will never get better. Change is difficult and it can and will hurt. In any case, I am fascinated by the almost inexhaustible drive of many food forest pioneers and the enthusiasm of students to get into this subject.

I do my best to contribute from my position to building knowledge through research in and with practice. Maybe we can take a small but valuable step?

In search of internships and graduation assignments, students now often find their way through the food forest pioneers outside WUR. I make as much use as possible of the possibilities within WUR to cooperate with other research institutes and departments. But my time is scarce, and I am very happy with your support.

I want to use the energy now there is a lot of attention for food forests. National Geographic Magazine and the Guardian devoted both extensive articles last year to what is happening in the Netherlands.

What do you think Melle, what more could we do than we already do? I am very curious about the International Forest Garden / Food Forest Symposium. Will you be there too Melle?

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